How a Disabling Injury to a Parent Can Affect The Family

There are times in this life that are something to write home about. Graduations, weddings, new children being birthed into this world are all things that warm our hearts and give us the good kind of goosebumps. Then, there are those times when things just go horribly wrong.

Deaths in the family, illnesses that take the fight out of us, and a severely disabling injury to a parent are all events we would all rather just pass on by if we could. However, trouble has a habit of finding everyone at one time or another and it can have a drastic effect on the family unit. Read below to find out how and how you might deal with such a situation.


If you have ever been in a situation where your spouse has become disabled due to a severe injury, you are aware of the financial stress that can follow. Especially if the spouse was the major breadwinner in the home. Unless they had disability insurance (click link to learn more) the cash flow into the home may fall to a dangerously low amount. Bills get backed up, hospital bills pile up, and the income coming into the home is at least half of what it use to be.

Sometimes, it’s less. Understandably, the stress that comes with an event like this is heavily underrated. Be that as it may, there are a few housekeeping measures you will want to start now. As hard as it may be to muster up the strength to take charge of these details, doing so will alleviate a large amount of stress in the home.

As soon as you are able to, begin the process to obtain your disability check. You have worked all your life so you would have this option should anything ever happen. Take advantage of it and take care of your family again.


Emotionally speaking, it is an understatement to say that a disabling injury is difficult for everyone involved. However, maybe taking the time to see the point of view of each person involved will help everyone struggle together instead of against one another.

If you are the one disabled, you will experience a lot of anger. Anger over not being able to help provide or do the things you once could. This, sometimes, leads to depression. There will be feelings of humiliation and swallowed pride and quite a few what ifs. Don’t fret. It will get better with time. Fortunately, you can take the help of a professional counsellor to ease the mental strain of recovering such hardships. A trained expert like one found at Goal Coach or a similar organisation may be better equipped to communicate your problems with. In addition to exchanging information and strategies, speaking about your daily achievements can be a great way to encourage yourself.

On the other hand, your spouse may endure feelings of panic and fear about how to handle the bills. They may feel alone at times and very overwhelmed. If there are any children in the family, they just won’t understand as much as you need them to. They will be scared for the injured parent and will entertain thoughts of losing that parent. Children are also not well equipped to understand the physical and financial changes that will envelop your family. Above all else, remember the love you have for each other and practice patience in abundance.


There are obviously going to be a lot of physical changes. These, of course, depend on what kind of disabling injury you incur. For the sake of this article, we will assume that a there has been an injury that has placed you in a wheelchair. Along with all the other adjustments that will have to be made, everyone will also have to learn how to do everything needed to run the house in a different manner.

If Mom was the one injured and she did all the chores, Dad and kids may need to help out a little more. There will be things that she can’t do at all anymore and some things, she’ll just need some help with. For example, putting the towels in the closet might be out of Mom’s reach. You’ll need to leave a little extra time on the schedule for getting ready for outings and things like bath time, and to be cooking dinner.

Again, make sure to handle every change with as much love and patience as you can muster. Things will get better. You will find normal again. It will be a new normal, but you will find it and be happy.

A disabling instance of any type is a tragedy, to say the least, but can be an opportunity for a new beginning. Should you ever find yourself enduring this part of life, return here for some help and encouragement.

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