Combating Nursing Home Abuse: 5 Steps You Need to Take When You’ve Noticed All the Signs

Among the legal matters common with elders, the abuse of elderly persons in nursing homes is on the rise. Elders are being abused but a few find the courage to report the abuse either to family or to the administration. And having noticed all the common signs of various forms of abuse, what steps should you take? The following are 5 effective steps to take to combat such abuses.

  1. Document The Abuse

Ensure to document all the signs of abuse and neglect that you’ll notice on your loved one. Take pictures of the abuse signs and injuries. Note also the change in their lifestyle and have the facility document the abuse in their database. This will serve as evidence in case you will decide to file a complaint in the court. If taking pictures will not be possible, document the signs in writing and ensure to explain them in detail.

  1. Discuss with The Administration

Learning of the abuse that your loved one has been suffering from can make you emotional and upset. But first, try to be calm and approach the administration to discuss the issue. Remember that the responsible staff is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Let them give you an explanation concerning the abuse and the action they’re going to take.

  1. Report The Abuse to The Relevant Authorities

If the explanation provided by the facility administration is unsatisfactory or the promised measures to stop the abuse were unsuccessful, you will need to report the matter to the appropriate authority. There’s an Adult Protective Services Department that you can contact in your state. You should contact the Eldercare Locator at 1-800-677-1116 for help in locating state agency in your area then file a complaint in the court. But in case you’re worried your loved one is undergoing a life-threatening abuse, you should call 911 immediately.

  1. Hire an Attorney

If you have confirmed the signs of abuse on your loved one, consult a personal injury/abuse law attorney experienced in handling nursing home abuse cases. Luckily, they are all over the world – for instance you will hear good reviews about the Illinois nursing home abuse attorneys, but you will also be able to find one in your local area as well. the attorney will evaluate the case and advise you on the legal steps to follow. The attorney will also handle your case in the court and demand compensation for the abuse your loved one suffered. There are a number of steps and actions to take when seeking justice for your loved one. For instance, you can see more at The Dolman Law Group to help you take appropriate actions.

  1. Move Your Loved One to A New Facility

Moving from one nursing home to another can be a very stressful experience for your loved one. But it is for their wellbeing. You shouldn’t risk retaining them in the same nursing home they were abused in. This can torture them mentally and affect their stay in the facility. A new place will mean a new start but you have to be keen when selecting the facility for your loved one to stay. Ensure the facility is safe and fit for them.


There are different forms of abuse that the elderly persons suffer from in nursing homes. And you’ll notice specific signs on your loved one that act as proof of such abuses. Chances are, emotions might get control of you and you may make things worse both for you and your loved one. But these steps will guide you on how to go about the situation in order to combat such and other related abuses. You may visit relevant blogs to learn about the different forms of nursing home abuses and their respective signs.

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