Remember the magical world from Roald Dahl’s legendary book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? We’ve all dreamed of visiting the fictional factory at one time or another but what if it was real? Well, we did the math of how much it would cost to make and maintain the Chocolate Factory.
Not surprisingly, this would be no cheap feat. To even keep the lights on at the factory would cost upwards of $2 million a year. We of course had to include the costs of the Oompa Loompa’s salaries and healthcare. Without them, there’s no chocolate factory! And what’s the chocolate factory without the flying elevator from the last scene of the film? That can’t be cheap!
In addition to keeping the factory running, Willy spares no expense when it comes to the other aspects of his magical building. Running the numbers, the river made of chocolate would need 150,000 gallons of chocolate, costing Wonka a whopping $32.6 million. The infographic below has the figures for if Wonka wanted to go organic with this river and how much would that would send him back.
The grand total to keep the factory running each year, from our estimates, would be around $224.6 million! Would it be worth it to bring the magical world to life? For the rest of the estimations and more, check out the infographic below!
What Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory Would Cost Today from Advanced Technology Services