4 Tips For Dealing With Kids Misbehavior

As a parent, it can get tough once in a while as children start to test their limits.  They can start acting up when we least expect it and can start to make parents wonder how they’re going to make it through.

Although it may be frustrating and you may want to give up entirely or bang your head against a wall a few times a day, it’s important to not give up.  It’s all about knowing how to handle the situation with patience and compassion by applying the right tactics.

If your children start to act up and you find yourself looking for direction, here are some of the best ways to deal with it.

Giving Extra Chores

While once upon a time it was acceptable to spank your child when they acted up, it is not recommended.  Rather than showing your child that their actions will result in physical pain, you should instead try to show them that they will result in consequences.

Giving extra chores, like upkeeping the backyard, are a great way to show your child that their misbehavior will result in negative consequences but not pain.  They can carry this lesson onto the rest of their lives and use this as a life experience. The same thing may very well happen if they fail to execute their expected role at work.  Therefore, teaching this from a young age is favorable.

Leading By Example

It’s important to not just tell your children what they should do all the time but lead by showing them the right way to do things.  Simply telling them the right way to go about things isn’t enough when your actions are exemplifying something else.

Make sure that you are consistent about practicing what you preach and being willing to admit when you haven’t lived up to it.  Teaching them the value of being able to recognize when we make a mistake and rectify it can be a powerful lesson.

Taking Away Privileges / Toys

Showing a child that they will lose something that they cherish can be a huge incentive to watch their behavior. Whether it be taking away something which they value doing such as watching television or playing a sport, or a toy which they love playing with, it can be very effective.

It’s important to do it calmly and with warning initially.  Once they receive a warning then they are aware of the potential consequences and will have to deal with what’s coming if they continue on the same path.


For older children, grounding them means that they will have to stay home, unable to go out with their friends or extracurricular activities.  This can be extremely hard for teenagers who lead busy social lives. It will force them to reconsider before breaking the rules the next time.

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