3 Tips For Supporting Someone Who’s Just Had A Miscarriage

While having children is many people’s greatest joy in their life, children can cause be the cause of the most immense pain that a person can experience. Even before a baby is born into this world, they can leave a lasting impression on those who love them. So when expecting parents have to deal with the death of their unborn baby, you likely want to help but might not be sure how to.

Although you may feel helpless during this time, there really are things you can do to help ease the burdens and pain your loved ones are going through at this time. To show you how this can be done, here are three tips for supporting someone who’s just had a miscarriage.

Accept Their Unpredictability

Just like with all physical and emotional pain, there’s no one way that people will react or respond to the situation. As part of this, there’s also no saying how long the person or couple will be grieving their loss.

Because of this, AmericanPregnancy.org shares that you should try to be accepting of whatever unpredictable emotions your loved one is now feeling or sharing. Some days are going to be harder than others, and some situations will prick at their hearts more than you might think they should. But as long as you’re ready for whatever emotions come, you’ll be able to be properly supportive.

Know The Right Things To Say

If you’ve never dealt with a miscarriage personally, you might not know what to say or how to respond in this situation. And even if you or your partner has had a miscarriage, no two situations are going to be exactly the same.

To help you navigate these waters, Ashlyn Lillibridge, a contributor to Insider.com, shares that some safe things to say are that you’re sorry that they’re going through this, that you’re here for them if they need anything, and that your thoughts or prayers are with them at this time. By sharing these sentiments, you can quietly express your love and concern without being overbearing.

Offer Concrete Help

In some situations, the person or couple who’ve just miscarried their baby might need additional help that you can assist them with. If you’re willing and able to do so, Rachel Wilkerson Miller, a contributor to BuzzFeed, recommends that you offer concrete help.

Even if you don’t know exactly what they need, offer things like bringing a meal, taking them to appointments, watching their kids or pets if they need it, cleaning their home, or running errands that they can’t get to at this time. These actual ideas can be much easier to accept than just a blanket statement of being there if they need anything.

If you know someone who’s just had a miscarriage, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you learn how you can be supportive and loving during this difficult time.

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