3 Tips For Preparing Your Teen For Their Senior Pictures

Although graduation is still months away from those seniors getting ready to start school, it’s during the summertime when most graduating seniors will get their senior pictures taken. This tradition is not only meant for use in yearbooks or graduation ceremonies, but also as a way to celebrate the achievement of your teen finishing high school and moving on to other endeavors.

Because of the esteem placed on senior or graduation pictures, you or your teen might be a little nervous about getting everything right and ensuring that they look their best for the occasion. To help with this, here are three tips for preparing your teen for their senior pictures. 

Keep The Clothes Simple

While senior pictures might be the perfect time for your teen to get some long-awaited hair extensions or get some new accessories, there is one area where you’re going to want them to keep things simple: their clothing choices.

Although you definitely want your teen’s personality to shine through in their photos, you don’t want their styling choices to take away from what they look like as a person. Because of this, Everyday Health recommends that you advise your teen to avoid wearing clothes with wording, intricate designs, or too many pictures. These types of things don’t usually play well in still photos, so try to steer your teen toward clothes that are visually more simple and flattering to their natural look. 

Learn How To Not Look Bored

During your teen’s senior photo session, they’ll likely be spending hours changing their clothes and smiling for the camera. For most people, this can quickly turn from something fun and exciting to something difficult and boring, especially when you’re trying to have a real and genuine smile for each photo taken.

Luckily, there are a few tricks your teen can try to help make their expressions more natural. According to Lindsey Rose Black, a contributor to The Bustle, you should ask your photographer to count to three and not have your teen look up to the camera until he or she says, “Three.” By doing this, your teen won’t be sitting still and holding their expression for too long. When they do look up at the camera, they’ll look much brighter and natural. 

Consider Your Props

As was mentioned above, senior pictures are a time where you teen can really showcase their personality and interests. To best do this, many teens choose to use props in their photos.

To pick the right props to bring along, JCPenny Portraits suggests choosing items that show off your hobbies, talents, or interests. These things could include sporting equipment, instruments, pets, memorabilia, and more. 

If your teen will be getting their senior pictures done soon, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you both prepare for this event. 

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